Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Jesus tells His disciples in Acts 1:8, “You will receive power from the Holy Spirit, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” We believe the same is true today. We are called to reach our city, our state, and our world.
Working together, we get to see the Great Commission happening before our eyes.
Working together, we get to see the Great Commission happening before our eyes.

National Church Planting
Church planting is a vital part of LIFE Church’s vision to make new disciples. We have therefore partnered with Liberty Church Network. LCN provides coaching, networking and resources for new church planters. LIFE Church and LCN are on a mission together to develop a network of 10,000 local churches in 500 Local Centers from all denominations and networks committed to making new disciples.

Serve the Kingdom through The Timothy Initiative
LIFE Church supports The Timothy Initiative. TTI is a global church planting movement, and LIFEChurch is currently supporting the planting of over 100 churches in unreached people groups along the West Coast of Africa.
Three billion people lack access to the Gospel. You can help change that.
Three billion people lack access to the Gospel. You can help change that.